Indoor and outdoor cats can both end up with open wounds due to abscesses or accidents. This article will show you how to heal an open wound on a cat. The first thing to do is determine whether the injury is severe enough that it requires medical care. In his book “What’s Wrong With My…
Tag: cat health

Pretty Litter Review: 5 Things I Loved [2023]
Here’s 5 things I loved and 3 things I didn’t love about Pretty Litter

How to Tell If Your Cat Has Fleas
If you have an outdoor cat, chances are you’ll have an issue with fleas at some point or another. We all like to think that we’d know if something was up with our furry friends, but would we really? Without knowing the telltale signs of fleas, it can be tricky for cat owners to spot…

Why Do Cats Purr? Here are 4 Reasons
Why do cats purr, anyway? Here are 4 reasons why: Cats purr to show they’re content Cat owners believe their cats purr when they’re contented and this is backed up by everyday experience. They purr as their food is prepared, when they’re petted, and even before that first stroke they purr in anticipation of loving…

Are Essential Oils Dangerous to Cats?
Are Essential Oils Really Dangerous for My Cat? Essential oils have risen in popularity over the past decade, with proponents of the oily life citing benefits such as improved sleep, pain management, antibacterial effects, and more. Essential oils are now used in everything from organic cleaning supplies to food preparation and beauty products. However, the…

Why Is My Cat Peeing on Everything? 5 Reasons
It’s a dark winter morning, and you’re already late getting ready for work. Last night was hectic, and you forgot to fold the laundry. You reach into the basket, expecting to pull out a clean outfit, and instead, you feel something warm and wet. If you have more than one cat, you’ve probably been there….

Can Cats See In The Dark?
The physiology of the cat is very like that of other mammals, but its sense organs have evolved specialized modifications as a hunter. One of the most remarkable adaptations seen in cats is in the anatomy and function of its eyes. So, can cats see in the dark? While the idea that cats can see…

Recognizing Kidney Disease Symptoms in Cats
I currently have a co-worker who has a cat that has been diagnosed with kidney failure. This article is about recognizing kidney disease symptoms in cats. I hope it will help other cat parents recognize the signs of this illness so they can get their cats treated as early as possible. Please join my mailing…

Nutrition for Senior Cats
Nutrition for senior cats is important. About a week ago, our 12-year-old cat, Periwinkle (pictured above on the right with our youngest cat, Munchkin), had her semiannual checkup and distemper booster. Our vet also verified what we had suspected: Periwinkle is losing weight. We had blood work done to make sure there wasn’t an underlying…

Reasons to Spay or Neuter Your Cat
Spring is coming and with it will come the meowing and yowling of female cats in heat. Female cats generally go into heat in the spring and in the fall. Besides the unwanted behavior of a cat in heat, there are numerous reasons to spay or neuter your cat. Control the Population of Unwanted Cats…